Kirja: Down To You
Kirjailija: M. Leighton
Gengre: romantiikka, aikuiset, erotiikka
Sarja: The Bad Boys #1
Sivumäärä: 215
Julkaisuvuosi: 2012
ISBN: 978-130-171-6722
The scorching
tale of one girl, two brothers and a love triangle…that’s not.
Olivia Townsend is nothing special. She’s just a girl working her way through college so she can return home to help her father run his business. She’s determined not to be the second woman in his life to abandon him, even if it means putting her own life on hold. To Olivia, it’s clear what she must do. Plain and simple. Black and white. But clear becomes complicated when she meets Cash and Nash Davenport. They’re brothers. Twins.
Olivia Townsend is nothing special. She’s just a girl working her way through college so she can return home to help her father run his business. She’s determined not to be the second woman in his life to abandon him, even if it means putting her own life on hold. To Olivia, it’s clear what she must do. Plain and simple. Black and white. But clear becomes complicated when she meets Cash and Nash Davenport. They’re brothers. Twins.
Cash is
everything she’s always wanted in a guy. He’s a dangerous, sexy bad boy who
wants her in his bed at any cost. He turns her insides to mush and, with just
one kiss, makes her forget why he’s no good for her.
Nash is everything she’s ever needed in a guy. He’s successful, responsible and intensely passionate. But he’s taken. Very taken, by none other than Marissa, Liv's rich, beautiful cousin. That doesn't stop Olivia from melting every time he looks at her, though. With just one touch, he makes her forget why they can never be together.
Nash is everything she’s ever needed in a guy. He’s successful, responsible and intensely passionate. But he’s taken. Very taken, by none other than Marissa, Liv's rich, beautiful cousin. That doesn't stop Olivia from melting every time he looks at her, though. With just one touch, he makes her forget why they can never be together.
Black and white
turns to shades of gray when Olivia discovers the boys are hiding something,
something that should make her run as far and as fast as she can. But it’s too
late to run. Olivia’s already involved. And in love. With both of them. Both
brothers make her heart tremble. Both brothers set her body on fire. She wants
them both. And they want her. How will she ever choose between them?
Arviointi: Oh My God! Tämä kirja kuuluu taas siihen kategoriaan minkä vain nappaan mukaani ilman, että luen takakantta ja etukannen katsominenkin jää vain vilkaisun tasolle. Ja sitten kun avaan tämän kirjan, etusivulla on teksti: "NOT appropriate for younger readers". Ei hyvä merkki. Siinä kohtaa alkaa tosissaan miettiä, että minkä kirjan minä oikein otinkaan käteeni.
Kun aloin lukea, jotenkin ajattelin että tästä tulee samanlainen kuin Fifty Shades Of Grey:sta. Tai ainakin jotain sen tapaista. Mutta ei. Onneksi. Tämä oli jotain paljon paljon parempaa ja viihdyttävämpää. Eikä mielikuvat olleet niin kauheita kuin ehkä Fiftyn kanssa. Tosin sitä en voi kieltää, että tämäkin kirja sisälsi paljon vaaka-asentoja ja kyllä sinne pari pystyasentoakin mahtui mukaan. Mutta silti jonnekin kaiken väliin oli saatu sovitettua oikeasti mielenkiintoinen juoni. Loppuhuipennus ei todellakaan ollut sellainen mitä odotin, mikä oli vain hyvä asia.
Hahamoista minun on pakko sanoa sen verran, että ensinnäkin Oliviasta oli saatu hyvin tehtyä "oikealta" tuntuva henkilö eikä vain joku nuori naisenalku joka tekee kaiken mitä hänen käsketään tekevän. Ja sitten ne kaksoset Nash ja Cash!! Rakastuin. Vaikka tosin hieman ärsyynnyin siitä, että heistä ei kerrottu melkein mitään. Joskus jutut meni hieman sekaviksi. Varsinkin lopussa kun Nash "lähti".
"I guess they’re right when they say, “Never say never.” I said I would never beg. That’s laughable. It’s only Wednesday and I’ve already lost count of how many times I’ve called Olivia. I should be embarrassed.
But I’m not.
I’m desperate. More and more every day. I’m desperate not to lose her.
But I don’t know what to do next. I hate to go to her house and force her to
talk to me. But I will. At this point, I can’t think of anything I wouldn’t do
for her. To see her. To talk to her. To touch her and taste her again.
Oh damn, this ain’t good!"
Arvosana: 9½
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